Explore the Science Behind Neck Strengthening and Conditioning

Neck strength: a protective factor reducing risk for concussion in high school sports
For every one pound increase in neck strength, odds of concussion decreased by 5 % (OR = 0.95, 95 % CI 0.92-0.98). We conclude that identifying differences in overall neck strength may be useful in developing a screening tool to determine which high school athletes are at higher risk of concussion.

Active Neck Muscle Training in the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain in Women a Randomized Controlled Trial
Our study showed that participation in 1-year endurance and strength training programs led to a considerable reduction in average neck pain and disability compared with the control group. Neck function, including neck strength and ROM, was improved significantly in both training groups compared with the control group.

Physical exercise improved muscle strength and pain on neck and shoulder in military pilots
Result:A total of 15 studies with 907 participants were included. In the exercise group, muscle strength was significantly increased in four directions of neck motion.

Neck Exercises for Chronic Pain Relief
Studies indicate that specific neck exercises can significantly alleviate chronic neck pain, offering a promising solution for long-term management.

Effects of Neck Exercise on High-School Students’ Neck–Shoulder Posture
This study examined the effects of deep flexor muscle-strengthening exercise on the neck–shoulder posture, and the strength and endurance of the deep flexor muscles of high-school students.

Neck strengthening exercises can help prevent concussions, doctors say
Doing daily neck strengthening exercises can help protect girls who play collision sports from getting concussions, said Dr. Bob Cantu, a neurosurgeon and leading concussion researcher.

CerviFit United States Air Force Study
Performance Optimization and Injury Mitigation for Air Force Student Fighter Pilots
Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) and Luke AFB have multidisciplinary teams specializing in aircrew training, performance, and injury mitigation. All student pilots (SPs) completing Basic Course training at these locations engage in an 8-week Spine Training Program (STP). Males from Luke AFB (Ringside) exhibited a 34.5% increase (P < 0.001,d = 1.09), and males from Eglin AFB (CerviFit) demonstrated a significant increase of 55.7% in CEH (P < 0.001,d = 1.97).
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Injury-Reduction Programs Containing Neuromuscular Neck Exercises and the Incidence of Soccer-Related Head and Neck Injuries
Integrating neuromuscular neck exercises into injury-reduction exercise programs has the potential to reduce the risk of adolescent soccer players sustaining a possible concussive event, concussion, or pain on heading a ball.

Effects of Two Exercise Programs on Neck Proprioception in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial
Either specific neck exercise or a general neck-shoulder range of motion exercise could be effective in improving neck proprioception. Therefore, exercises could be recommended based on patient comfort and patients’ specific limitations.

Muscle Dysfunction in Cervical Spine Pain: Implications for Assessment and Management
Significant clinical benefits have been gained in studies utilizing either low-intensity training designed to train the coordinated function between deep and superficial muscles,37as well as exercise performed at higher loads designed to improve muscle strength and endurance.79The fact that enough patients experienced improvement with these different programs to gain an overall group benefit in controlled trials suggests that both protocols are appropriate for the management of MNP.

Efficacy of a strength-based exercise program in patients with chronic tension type headache: a randomized controlled trial
Between baseline and week-12 of follow-up the intervention group showed statistically significant differences compared to control group in the following primary outcomes: duration and intensity of headaches. In addition, the intervention group improved the thickness of deep cervical muscles, reduced the peripheral sensitization, and improved the strength of deep cervical flexors.

Efficacy of neck muscle activation versus strengthening for adults with chronic cervical radiculopathy: a study protocol for a randomised clinical trial
Both neck muscle activation and strengthening exercises are widely recognised treatments for cervical radiculopathy, but there is a research gap on the efficacy of neck muscle activation versus strengthening. This protocol will determine the efficacy of neck muscle activation alongside conventional care versus strengthening exercise and conventional care for cervical radiculopathy.